Friday 15 July 2011

Following your heart.....

If you find what I write a little disjointed, please excuse me, this is me today, overworked and a little crazy.... I am even hiding things from myself and quite successfully I can say! But here goes.....

Did you ever know, really know that something is going to happen, but logically it just doesnt make sense. Following your logic  (naturally) - you then end up regretting not listening to that "gut feeling".

People have various explanations for this "feeling" - angels, guides, Holy Spirit..... what it is I wouldnt try and understand, it is one of those things should be accepted and not pondered on for too long, we will understand eventually - I believe.... ;-)

So many philophers say - "Follow your heart!".... but then you get the other school that say.. A heart is a treacherous thing, it could  blind, think before you leap!!

I have been excited about something, but then I started analysing the outcomes and the reasons why I am so excited and I felt the excitement drain from me... and I think.... OK, maybe a good thing I thought about it? Was it really? A moment lost?! Forever!

Is impulsiveness a bad thing? Hmmmmmm...... social experience has built in cool off period after signing big contracts, to allow the buyer to cancel, after they had "thought" about the buy a little. I've actually used that handy option once in my life, to cancel a course in "playing the stock market".... :-)

Obviously one's gut feeling has a use, what you use it for .... well that I think depends on how well you know yourself and what you see as important. Boundaries! Yes, I think that is what makes impulsiveness safe, be impulsive between boundaries that you have "thought" about .....

Well, all of the above addresses the impulses, but what about the warnings. Those I'd like to say one should listen to 100% of the time. I've always been sorry that I didnt listen to that little voice inside saying, no, or not now later...... If I can develop a sharper sense towards this little voice, I would, because somehow I am sitting here and thinking if only I had listened..... ?

Well, here I go! It is Friday let me have fun with the next impulse on its way! ;-).... Yip, I do like following my heart..... even if the outcome hurts sometimes.

The answers I will find in me.... the experiences I will find OUT THERE! lol

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