Sunday 3 July 2011

Bump in the road.......

Does time heal?

Doesnt a wound almost always leave a scar?

I have my "break-down" times, I give myself time to think about the things that cause me pain, sorrow..... I however always have a deadline, cry my cry but when it is finished, I see the hope and the goodness in the rest of the day and I move on, until the next "break-down" moment.

I always expect them to become less and less, because am I not dealing with the pain. I've learnt that one learns to live with the pain, it never goes away, it becomes part of who I am, it is part of my compassion and understanding.

If I remember hard enough how I felt about an incident in the past, I could easily still feel that pain and cry... now ppl say, there is no benefit in living in the past, one has to move on - I dont disagree as such......

Just that for me to be me, I need to be real, I need to "feel" the pain, let the pain become part of me and learn to not paralyse me, but rather inspire me to be thankful for those times that didnt prove to be painful, those times that brought a smile!

I am very vague in my discussions, but this is where I am......

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