Monday 8 August 2011

Spiritual Meaning underlying diseases

According to Louise Hay's  book, healing yourself, there are spiritual meaning that causes specific diseases. I've just been diagnosed with chronic hypertension, this means high blood pressure. I've been trying to ignore it for months now, thinking it will go away, but alas, it is just getting worse.

For interests sake I went to see what kind of spiritual meaning could have caused this chronic disease, according to Louise Hay, well what I found is that long standing emotional problems that are unsolved might have caused this and that the affirmation one should concentrate to heal yourself would be: " I joyously release the past. I am at peace."

Looking at this, it might pretty much be true, I have many unresolved emotions, I am carrying insde of me, not really knowing how to resolve them. Finding peace seems to be the answer, I am not at WAR with anybody, or am I. I love to describe the acronym WAR as We Are Right?  Somebody forcing an issue, viewpoint or agenda on another party, that must obviously then be ?? Wrong???..... hmmmmm ....

Sitting here wondering which emotions I am clinging to as being right, but still affecting my happiness and emotions. Somehow the word that jumps up at me tonight is BETRAYAL... I feel betrayed by loved one's, friends, family and mostly by myself. I feel unsafe with my decision making and I feel like I should forever be ready to be able to deal with "the other shoe dropping"or the "wheels falling off" - using my blog analogy.

How does one feel less betrayed....?? Maybe research worth doing? How does one loose the fear of the next betrayal, that seems to be a given? Something worth thinking about and stomping to dust, till I find a solid opinion worth sharing......

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