Monday 17 October 2011

To Mr PJ Meintjes and all the other REAL MEN out there!

There isnt a lot of things that add great value to a person's life, but this morning as I was driving to work, the thought of my dad, Mr PJ Meintjes, made me think, that there are somethings, that should be mentioned.

A common idea exists that chivalry is dead and the female emancipation supports this idea 120%. Well, I am an independant woman, but there are certain things that is just so beautiful, it isnt things necessarily taught to men by there mom's, because I've seen brother's act differently... it is something flowing out of the core of the MAN, the REAL MAN!!

I believe I am still single, because I measure everybody else against the standards my dad has set, which is quite high... given, he does care for all of us, my mother and my sisters dearly! He is not perfect, nobody is, but you can count on him to be the man, doesnt matter where life has left him.

I never got this idea of being the "man" in the house, I thought it was an ancient notion, which had no place in the modern society and then suddenly, I moved back home for a few weeks and I lived through a paradigm shift, I forgot, what I had experienced as a child, before I moved out 19 years ago.

Let me give you a few examples, from my dad and from other men, I can still remember, because being who they are made them worth remembering!!

My dad is terribly ill the last few weeks, he is struggling to walk and he actually fell twice in the past two weeks, from just being in too much pain to actually "lift his legs".. at first when I moved home, I thought we will probably have to baby him. No, on the contrary, shuffle shuffle, my dad would walk to the front gate to open it, for me before I would leave for work. He would get up and still add value to the household. Yes, it is taking him longer, but he has his pride and although in pain and tired, he would stay : " Mommy I will move those 5 koi, from the one dam to the other!" In my mind, I'd like to see it happen, but I am sure he will make it happen.  I take my hat off to this man in my life.

I dont want to be waited on hands and foot, my dad is very quick to tell me to do the dishes... ;-) ....

More examples, I knew a guy who would get up off his chair, the moment a lady / woman enters the room, no matter her status and looks. At first I was taken aback, how to react, and then I noticed, it is just respect and acknowledgement and with this respectful gesture, my respect for this young man is more than you can believe.

The other morning I walked out of my home and the neighbour, backed his wife's car out the garage and left it running, ready for her to leave, she came out of the house, with him opening doors, as she climbed in the car with their 2 year old baby, on the way to work. He did this as if it is the most natural thing on earth.

It is the little things that makes an amazing MAN! Those things you do, because it comes from your soul! You dont treat some people badly and other's with respect, because they add value to your life. You will treat the waitress with the same respect as your date... and I will know you are a REAL MAN!

Whether us independent women would like to know it or not, we are the weaker sex and we ream about a strong man at our side. Not muscles, but soul! Yes, it is easier for you to pick up heavy things, but that pain is fleeting, I will do it myself, if need be. But oh, treating me with respect, especially if I am a stranger...... WOW! WOW! WOW! What a MAN you are?! I would pray that I would be a WOMAN of WORTH, that could stand by your side and support you through your hard times.

Like I will do now, as a daughter, to the most wonderful Father! Thanku for loving me Pappie, but more thank you for respecting me as a person.

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