Sunday 11 September 2011

Is being a strong woman a sin?

Is it just me? Or is an independent thinking woman often a misunderstood woman?

Why when a woman gets older, she is less likely to find a partner that she would be able to adapt to?

I've always been fascinated with the history of the witches and the witch hunts. I do believe yes, power does corrupt and some of these women were really powerful, due to their knowledge and influence, but nobody would be able to tell me that they were all evil!

Why do being a witch, also goes with being a healer? I actually found an article that aligns my profession nursing to the witch practice. (

Here is a short snippet from the article:

"Who were the witches, then, and what were their "crimes" that could arouse such vicious upper class suppression? Undoubtedly, over the centuries of witch hunting, the charge of "witchcraft" came to cover a multitude of sins ranging from political subversion and religious heresy to lewdness and blasphemy. But three central accusations emerge repeatedly in the history of witchcraft throughout northern Europe: First, witches are accused of every conceivable sexual crime against men. Quite simply, they are "accused" of female sexuality. Second, they are accused of being organized. Third, they are accused of having magical powers affecting health—of harming, but also of healing. They were often charged specifically with possessing medical and obstetrical skills.
First, consider the charge of sexual crimes. The medieval Catholic Church elevated sexism to a point of principle: The Malleus declares, "When a woman thinks alone, she thinks evil.""

Sometimes I feel like I am alienated, because I call a spade a spade, but in the same sense,some people keep on coming back for more. My path has not been the normal path of creating my own little family and creating a home. There are times when I do feel insufficient, I cant understand, why a girl of 16 could be given the gift of a child, but at 36 I seem to be barren.

However things are clearer and clearer, that I am here to help heal. I've kicked against my purpose, selfishly clinging to things that I believed would make me as an individual happy.... and somehow that selfishness has never brought me any satisfaction or happiness, I've lost everything and anything that kinda meant a lot to me....

Somehow the moment I accept that nothing and nobody would be mine, things go better, the conflict lessens.

So the fact that I have a mine of my own and that I call a spade a spade and that I dont need anybody, I want people in my life.... doesnt make me a "wrong" person.. an evil person.... a feminist, as someone once called me.

I am actually quite serving..... I love healing and serving and helping....

This witch is finding her place in society.... let me think a bit more... and watch this spot.


Monday 5 September 2011

My DAD.....

My dad is probably one of the people I can look up to most. He has such a wonderful sense of humor. At this point in his life he is very ill, he is starting to show symptoms of Raynaud's disease. He has so much pain, at the moment the middle finger in his left hand is blue in colour and the slightest touch has my dad in pain.

He went to see a vascular specialist, who told my dad he would have to amputate. My dad, looked at him seriously and then asked: " How am I supposed to get from Jo'burg back home then, without my finger?".... The doctor puzzled didnt quite get my dad's meaning..... My dad smiled and said : " I need to be able to show these stupid drivers n Jo'burg my middle finger " Holding the blue finger up in the air!

I love my dad so much. Seeing him get old and frail, is such a brick in my stomach not to mention my heart.

As he told me this story I remember other stories of how he would suprise people with his wit, sometimes, people might even miss it, because he does it with so much convincing....

He was stopped by a traffic cop once, for speeding.... The cop was filling in the form and at the question : "Occupation".. my dad responded... " I am a planner"... .the cop looked at him, like if to say.... huh?.... my dad continued by saying.... " I definitely didnt plan this!"

I love my dad so much, I would do anything to be able to make his suffering less. Reading up on Raynaud's disease and praying that he will have many comfortable years for me, my mom and the rest of my sisters!

Love you DAD!